Slug Mumei
Edakiku, Chrysanthemum Mumei, but attributed to the Kyo-kinko Tradition Hozon Tosogu
God of War Tounsai Hozon Tosogu
Three Matsuura-kajinoha Family Crests Mumei
Dragon among Clouds Tokinobu(with Kao) Hozon Tosogu
Gourd with String Mumei, but has been attributed to the Ko-kinko Tradition Hozon Tosogu
Long-handled Sake-server Mumei, but attributed to the Kaga-goto Tradition Tokubetsu Hozon Token
Kikkou Tachi Kajinoha Family Crest Izumi Hidetoshi(with Kao) Tokubetsu Hozon Tosogu
Mizuhiki, decorative Japanese cord made from twisted paper Miyake Hidemasa(with Kao) Hozon Tosogu