Last Sunday, we had the distinct pleasure and honor of hosting a lecture by the master craftsman, Ozawa Norishige, a sword smith who has received several prizes from the NBTHK, and who kindly shared some of his expertise and deep insight on forging a Japanese sword, with us. Ozawa Tosho is a student of Takano Yukimitsu, of the Ono Yoshimitsu linage, and both a kind and humble man.
As a result of Ozawa Tosho’s lecture, there was a great boost of enthusiasm in all that attended the event. Just as Ozawa Tosho’s beautiful character shines through in his swords, his understanding of this ancient skill becomes clearly apparent through his words.
After the event, I put forth a request to have a Tanto in Akihiro-utsushi style, by Ozawa Tosho, which he kindly agreed to make. I am looking forward with great anticipation, to display the Tanto at the next lecture of his, I am certain it will be a very interesting item to study for all participants. It is, I feel, our duty to safe guards his level of skill and insight, to make sure it is not lost for the future generations.
Should you the reader, be interested in further following this excellent sword smith, you can do so by clicking the link below;