Nihonto Koza graduation Apr. 27, 2015

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For the last 4 years, it has been my pleasure and privilege to study with the guidance of Watanabe Taeko sensei. During this time, I have had a lot of opportunities to familiarize myself with some exclusive swords at the Sano museum, that are not easily available for closer studies to the general public, due to the fact that they are kept conserved behind glass.
As I have passed through the beginner’s level and graduated from the advanced class, I feel that I will now take my studies to a practical level more suited for my business.
I feel a lot of gratitude towards Watanabe sensei for her patience and great knowledge, and hope that I may, in some small way be a reflection of my teacher.

Nodakai sword auction Apr. 21, 2015

Last weekend, we had a regular auction event at our shop. I am happy to say that it was quite successful and would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that participated.

I see a growing interest in the Japanese sword and I think this is reflected in many ways. More and more people are learning about the Japanese sword and more people are getting involved in the business. I am happy to say that I think the Japanese economy and the way it is becoming stronger is one reason for this.

In the future, I would like to help others to understand the sword and the business world around it better.

‘Nihonto’ boom in Japan Apr. 15, 2015

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Recently, a cell phone game called ‘Token Ranbu’ has become very popular in Japan, especially with young women. There was an article about this trend in a Japanese financial paper named ‘the Nikkei Shimbun’, which talked about how famous swords made by legendary sword smiths are the main characters in the game. At book stores, there are books and magazines about Japanese swords and swords men that I think will help alongside the game to make the Japanese sword more popular and spread the interest to groups that haven’t had any interest in them before. This may lead to a little sword boom in Japan which I find really encouraging.